This page explains the ranking system, as well as rank perks.
Ranking System
SleeplessMC uses an in-game rank system where you can rank up using in-game money. None of our ranks are purchasable in the shop. You can progress through these ranks by playing on the server and gaining in-game currency.
Rank Info
This is the starter rank! The perks to this rank are:
/gb, /cc
/cards getdeck 1
/trash, /dispose
/sethome (x1)
/mail <read/clear/send>
/lottery GUI
/lottery buy
Create and use sign shops
/sell <all/hand/hand all>
Use waygates
This is the second rank! Price: $25,000 The perks to this rank are:
All previous perks
/cards getdeck 1-4
2 homes
Access to kit Apple
10% mob money
Disguise as a sheep or chicken
This is the third rank! Price: $50,000 The perks to this rank are:
/bank <deposit/withdraw/balance> <amount>
/bank exp <deposit/withdraw/balance> <amount>
/bank interest
Access to kit Knight
3 homes
Access to /ah
Access to /auction
10% mob money
Disguise as an ocelot or cow
This is the fourth rank! Price: $75,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to kit rustyTools
4 homes
Access to 1 playervault
20% mob money
Disguise as a minecart or skeleton
This is the fifth rank! Price: $100,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to colored signs
Access to colored chat
Keep XP on death
5 homes
/echest (/ec)
20% mob money
Disguise as a donkey or dolphin
This is the sixth rank! Price: $250,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to Kit Nether
Access to /Warp Repair
6 Sethomes
30% mob money
Disguise as a creeper or zombie
This is the seventh rank! Price: $500,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to EggCatcher
Access to 2 playervaults
7 homes
30% mob money
Disguise as a panda or parrot
This is the eighth rank! Price: $750,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to nicknames
Access to elevator signs
8 homes
40% mob money
Disguise as a pig or wolf
This is the ninth rank! Price: $1,000,000 The perks to this rank are:
1 player warp
50% mob money
disguise as a shulker or snowman
9 homes
This is the tenth rank! Price: $2,500,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to mineable spawners
Access to anvil colors
No more fall damage
Access to kit minertools
60% mob money
Disguise as a shulker_bullet or salmon
10 homes
This is the eleventh rank! Price: $5,000,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to kit WarriorsArmor
Access to kit Beacon
Access to 3 playervaults
70% mob money
Disguise as a silverfish or rabbit
14 homes
This is the twelfth rank! Price: $7,500,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to kit EliteTools
Access to 4 playervaults
80% mob money
Disguise as a polar_bear or horse
16 homes
This is the thirteenth rank! Price: $10,000,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to kit LieutenantArmor
Access to 5 playervaults
Use hoppers
Create waygates
90% mob money
Disguise as a turtle or witch
18 homes
This is the fourteenth rank! Price: $12,500,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to 6 playervaults
10% McMMO xp boost
100% mob money
Disguise as an armor_stand, bat, or bee
20 homes
This is the fifteenth rank! Price: $15,000,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to kit Experimental
Access to 7 playervaults
50% McMMO xp boost
100% mob money
Disguise as a guardian or fox
25 homes
This is the sixteenth rank! Price: $17,500,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to 8 playervaults
Upgrade hoppers
2 PlayerWarps
Create clans
Shift + right click signs to edit them (/toggleshiftedit)
Disguise as a zombie_villager, pufferfish, or falling_block
30 homes
This is the seventeenth rank! Price: $20,000,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to 9 playervaults
Filter hoppers
3 PlayerWarps
Disguise as a blaze, cat, or spider
40 homes
This is the eighteenth rank! Price: $30,000,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to kit SleeplessTools
Access to 10 playervaults
Disguise as a drowned, illusioner, or zoglin
Unlimited homes
This is the nineteenth rank! Price: $40,000,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to 11 playervaults
5 PlayerWarps
Disguise as an iron_golem, slime, or zombified_piglin
This is the final rank! To continue ranking up, you need to prestige. Price: $50,000,000 The perks to this rank are:
Access to 12 playervaults
Access to kit SleeplessArmor
6 PlayerWarps
Disguise as an ender_dragon, elder_guardian, or ghast
Last updated
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